IBBT GreenWeCan Wireless 169 MHz Sensor Network project for city of Ghent

IBBT GreenWeCan Wireless 169 MHz Sensor Network project for city of  Ghent
IBBT (Interdisciplinary Institute for Broadband Technology) is an independent research institute founded by the Flemish government to stimulate ICT innovation. The IBBT team offers companies and organizations active support in research and development. It brings together companies, authorities, and non-profit organizations to join forces on research projects. Both technical and non-technical issues are addressed within each of these projects.


Development of prototyping hardware for a wireless sensor network (WSN) in the city of Ghent, based on Zigbee or 6LowPAN technology. 


Stimulating ICT innovation



IBBT (Interdisciplinary Institute for Broadband Technology) is an independent research institute founded by the Flemish government to stimulate ICT innovation. The IBBT team offers companies and organizations active support in research and development. It brings together companies, authorities, and non-profit organizations to join forces on research projects. Both technical and non-technical issues are addressed within each of these projects. 

Within the GreenWeCan project, a ‘green’ dual wireless city access network infrastructure, consisting of a wireless local area network (WLAN) and a wireless sensor network (WSN), will be investigated between 2011-2013. The WLAN part will be a community-based network, offering inhabitants the opportunity of sharing their Internet connection to the community, while the WSN part will make use of energy harvesters, able to aggregate and process (real-time) data.


Projectpartner Bausch Datacom is typically involved in the development of prototyping hardware for a wireless sensor city network (WSN), based on Zygbee or 6LowPAN technology.




GreenWeCan project: creating a "Green" Wireless Efficient City Access Network



Both network parts will be able to offer innovative services integrated into several geospatial applications by aggregating data from multiple sources. In addition, the community-based WLAN model has prospects to seek for ways to bridge the digital divide. Much attention will be paid to ‘green’ aspects: human exposure to radiation and energy consumption savings. To validate and analyse this, a demonstrator network will be built.



Interdiciplinary approach


An interdisciplinary research approach will be of key importance to tackle this diversity of network challenges. Socio-economic user and stakeholder research will provide deeper insight into needs and expectations of citizens as well as other stakeholders (both public and private players) and an in-depth understanding of the most important conditions for both access to and use of existing and emerging ICT-services. This must enable true user-centric development of strategies, application and use concepts, and a reliable detection of the most likely opportunities.




Demonstrator network

An overall project duration of 30 months is proposed for this project. The GreenWeCan network will first be validated as lab proof-of-concept demonstration at the end of year 2. Within the next half year, a demonstrator network will be showed during one of the many events in Ghent, where citizens of Ghent as well as visitors will be able to participate in user-experience testing of the GreenWeCan network and applications. Based on the project outcomes, recommendations will be made for future “green” wireless city access networks.


date_range Published on 31-12-2011 00:00
person Dominiek Truyers
visibility Views: 1316
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