GSM GPRS SMS Alarm Unit The DinBox RTU M36 is a telemetry solution in a DIN-rail housing. The product is suitable to use in an industrial environment where reliability plays a large role. With the DinBox RTU M36, devices can be monitored and managed by GSM, GPRS or SMS. Thanks to the optional 'intelligent watchdog' technology and an optional uninterruptible power supply the product provides a high degree of extra security for mission-critical applications. The DinBox RTU M36 is equipped with the 'open programmable Java J2ME’ environment. This allows for custom Java applications, so that the product can be extended with additional features. The DinBox M36 offers an 'always-on' solution over the wireless GPRS network, which means that internet communication is possible. In addition, the device can optionally be equipped with SMS application. Thanks to this application you can monitor or manage devices via SMS through your mobile phone or via the optional SMS Comfort Alarm Management package. The DinBox M36 is an excellent solution in combination with PlC’s and for other industrial applications
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